1. South Africa population nearly doubles over the past 40 years

South Africa population is incredibly young, reaching a median age of 34 in 2050.

2. South Africa average GDP per capita is three times that of Africa average and higher than the emerging market average
Data from IMF.

South Africa inflation is getting better over the past 10 years

3. South Africa is trapped in low growth and rising inequality cycle
A brilliant South Africa economic update from the World Bank in 2018 summaries it well. South Africa economy is expected to grow at less than 2% for the next few years.
4. TV and Radio continue to have the broadest reach in South Africa

Establishment survey from the broadcast research council of South Africa.
5. Total advertising spend in South Africa is about USD $2.7 billion
The ResearchandMarket report stated that total advertising spend was R38.13bn (or $2.7B) between July 2016 and June 2017. Out of that TV ad spending was at 56.3%, which was not
6. The TV set is still the dominant way South Africans use as viewing devices

Establishment survey from the broadcast research council of South Africa.
7. The traditional radio remains the main device for listening in South Africa

Establishment survey from the broadcast research council of South Africa.
8. Internet penetration in South Africa more than doubled over the past ten years to 56%

9. Even at home, most South Africans have to rely on mobile data for internet connection

Establishment survey from the broadcast research council of South Africa.
10. Mobile phone penetration is at more than 75% of the population

11. Smartphone penetration is increasing at still at a low level per home

Establishment survey from the broadcast research council of South Africa.
12. Mobile 4G coverage is at more than 70% of South Africa
Data from OpenSignal report 2018. “MTN once again topped our 4G availability metric with a score of 78%, extending its lead over closest rival Vodacom to over 6 percentage points. Vodacom’s score of 72% in our measurements was followed by Cell C on 68% and Telkom with 66%.”
Download speed for 4G in South Africa is quite good too. Data is from the same OpenSignal report.

That’s all from me.